Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Badly Behaved Backdoorigan Discussion

As I prepare for the new season of making music with my wonderful students, I am made aware again,  that there are a few badly behaved backdoorigans (you know, those entities on this planet who choose not to enter through the front door - "frontdoorigans") in this town.  So I find myself trying to figure out how I will deal with these badly behaved backdoorigans; perhaps I will discover a viable modus operandi  as I write here this evening.  If not, I will have saved myself a trip to the shrink, if I actually had one.

For over 20 years, I have been blessed to have supported myself in a career that I love and actually can do pretty well.  Throughout the past 20+ years in this city, I have taught 24  provincial winners (1st and/or 2nd places) in singing, choir and musical theatre.  Before my professional life brought me here, to the north pole, I taught many more provincial winners, so I do have a record about which I am very proud.   In addition, my students have enjoyed themselves most of the time, I think, (no, I am not deluding myself, you know who), and have actually learned something along the way.  Many enjoy successful careers in music and/or the theatre.

Beginning on Tuesday, my students will enter through my front door, painted with a luscious shade called "Raspberry Trifle."  (Mmmmm, that sounds good right now).  To this date, I do believe that no one has ever tried to enter through the back door, because they KNOW.....they really know that being a backdoorigan would not be tolerated here.  Even the cats don't go near the back door, but they could care less...the front door is much more welcoming for them - that's the spot of choice for greeting kids.  But I digress; kids are not the problem here.

A few years ago, well actually 9 years this summer, I was happily ending my teaching year and looking forward to a relaxing holiday...NOT.  One mastectomy later, along with the bleeding ulcer going on in a stressed stomach, I wasn't feeling exactly well.  Eventually, all was well again, but unbeknownst to me, a badly behaved backdoorigan had invaded my little world.  Try as I might,  I just couldn't get that back door to close; my recent illnesses playing a significant contributing factor.  Nine years later, though, healthier and wiser, I must prevail here.

 A new year will begin for me on September 8, and tonight that damned back door blew open again, even more!  I mean, the first kid hasn't even entered through the raspberry trifle  front door to even BEGIN  the new year.  Give me a break, badly behaved backdoorigan; at least let my year START before you blow through!  (I don't think that backdoorigans have ears; rather,  they grow an inordinate amount  of tentacles......long, summer near-Arctic days being the host's best friend). 

These last precious days of summer, before my kids arrive, are usually spent in hot pursuit of a clean house, the one time of the year that it is transformed into a  truly habitable hovel.  I vow that tomorrow I will continue this tradition, and to hell with the backdoorigan.  Perhaps a solution genie will magically poof out of the Mr. Clean bottle tomorrow and life will return to pre-2001 status.  (As I dream on).

For sure I will find some way to permanently lock that damned back door this year, and I can blissfully go back to what I do best...teach kids and feed cats. 


1 comment:

  1. I cannot STILL get to making a new post, as hard as I try. I am very pissed off, STILL, and hope someone brilliant at Google or wherever, can help me find my way!
